What's the first thing I need to do to get a TEDx Talk?

TEDx Coach Cathlyn Melvin stands on stage in a blue dress, pointing to one side. The words overlaid read: "What's the first thing I need to do to get a TEDx Talk?"

You’re ready to get started! I’m excited for you!

Whether you’re excited to dive right in or you’re more of a dip-your-toes kind of person, there are three important first steps to take along your TEDx journey.

I really dig into this in my First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk Done-in-a-Day Course, which you can purchase here.

STEP #1: Determine your goals

You might be like “hmmm, Cathlyn—my goal is to give a TEDx talk.” 

And yes! I get that! But why

What do you want to achieve as a result of giving your TEDx talk?

Knowing why you want to give this talk is going to help you figure out:

  • What your very specific message is going to be

  • Which the events and locations you want to apply to

  • How you'll follow up after the event

  • How you'll promote your talk when it comes out online

As an example, one of your goals might be to use your TEDx experience to kickstart your speaking career. In that case, you’ll want to evaluate the production value of different events before applying to them—because if kickstarting speaking is your goal, you want to walk away with a great video! 

Another example is that if you want to sell your book, you’ll want to reach out to organizers to find out if they feature a book table as part of their event, or if they do any highlights of speakers and their professional projects in local media.

There are so many more reasons for business owners to do a TEDx talk. In the First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk Done-in-a-Day Course, I talk through a bunch of the most common results speakers hope for when they start their TEDx adventure.

For me, one of the greatest benefits was the way doors opened after I gave my talk. Because I had given my TEDx Talk, people were immediately interested in my ideas—even the ones that were completely unrelated to the talk itself. Folks asked me to share my insight on podcasts, in publications, and in private membership groups. The credibility of TEDx is just that strong!

STEP #2: Audit your skillset

There’s a lot that goes into landing and presenting a TEDx Talk—pitching your idea, writing and editing the talk script, memorizing your talk, rehearsing it, figuring out your vocal delivery, gestures, and movement . . .

What skills do you need for all that? And what can you accomplish on your own vs. where you need help?

You can find a list of the necessary skillsets in the First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk Done-in-a-Day Course.

I have a super-specific skillset because of my theatre training and experience as a writer and editor. So when I was starting my TEDx adventure, I knew I could tackle most of the requirements on my own. My decade+ as a writer, editor, actor, director, and theatre teacher set me up for success.

But even with my particular background, there were areas where I knew I would need support in order to feel my most confident going into my talk!

STEP #3: Brainstorm your big idea

For now, your idea doesn’t have to be specific. It doesn’t have to be concise. It doesn’t even have to be just one idea!

This is the brainstorming stage. 

The goal is to figure out, generally speaking, what message you want to share.

There are a few specific questions that speakers tend to find helpful during this process, and I include them in the First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk Done-in-a-Day Course.

Once you understand the benefits you’re looking for from TEDx, the skills required (and where you may need support), and your general Big Idea . . .

You’re ready to for the next step, refining your Big Idea into a compelling Idea Worth Spreading that makes TEDx curators go, whoa, people need to hear this talk.

(Oh, and I’ve got a done-in-a-day course for that, too.)

If you’d like more hands-on support as you move forward toward your TEDx goals, check out my 1:1 and group live coaching programs.

You have a world-changing message to share.

Let’s get it out there.

Copywriter and TEDx Coach Cathlyn Melvin, a 30s white woman with dark brown hair, smiles off camera

Drawing on her decade+ experience as an actor, director, writer, editor, and educator . . .

Messaging Expert Cathlyn Melvin helps mission-driven personal brands design and deliver their world-changing messages through TEDx coaching and done-for-you copywriting services.

Her insight has been featured via TEDx, Thrive Global, Fempreneur Online, Much More Media, Captivate + Convert, She Built This, The Writing Cooperative, and other outlets. Learn more about her copywriting and TEDx coaching services.

Take the guesswork out of TEDx.

Never wonder "What's my next step?"

This easy-to-follow TEDx calendar maps out exactly how much prep time you need to write, edit, memorize, and rehearse your talk.

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    Cathlyn Melvin