Ready for TEDx Course Bundle: First Steps, Shaping Your Idea, How to Find Events (Words overlay image of young brown-haired woman wearing a mic and gesturing as she speaks)

“I know I want a TEDx Talk in the future. So how do I make sure I’m setting myself up right?”

If you’ve done any Googling about how to give a TEDx Talk . . .

You’ve probably seen articles with click-baity headlines like:

“Don’t Even Think About Applying for TEDx Until You’ve Done These 6 Things!”

. . . like creating a SpeakerHub profile (100% unnecessary)

. . . or joining Toastmasters (I mean, you could if you wanted to)

. . . or “running your idea past a TEDx connection” (um, how many TEDx curators do YOU have on speed-dial?)

There is SO MUCH flap-doodle out there about what you “need” to do or have or be in order to get a TEDx Talk.

The reality is, a lot of those articles on Inc. or Entrepreneur are written by speakers who want TEDx to appear unachievable (which is, itself, flap-doodle, btw). They’ve got a TEDx Talk and you don’t, nana-nana boo-boo.

They’ve appointed themselves unofficial gatekeepers.

But while the TED brand is powerful and impactful, the goal of TED is to spread ideas — not keep them locked away.

TEDx organizers and curators are actually looking for your idea (whether or not you’ve paid to list yourself on SpeakerHub).

If you put in the effort to develop a compelling Idea Worth Spreading and create thoughtful, personal applications . . .

You can get a TEDx Talk.

➡️ Scroll down or click here to get started: ⬅️

But if you don’t have to do all that other stuff first... then what DO you need to do to get a TEDx Talk?

TEDx Coach Cathlyn Melvin gestures toward the camera, mid-thought: "What do you need to do first to get a TEDx Talk?"

Part of the reason I shake my head at the advice that’s out there on Google . . .

. . . is that it’s all about other people:

The folks at SpeakerHub. The local Toastmasters chapter. The curators (who they for some reason expect you to know personally?).

But laying the foundation for your TEDx Talk is actually all about you and your ideas.

And that’s exactly what The First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk course focuses on.

In First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk, I walk you through 3 ways you need to prepare — before you start your TEDx adventure.

They’re the same steps I start my 1:1 clients off with. They’re also part of the very first module in AMPLIFY, my group TEDx coaching program.

(I mean it when I call them essential.)

➡️ Scroll down or click here to get started: ⬅️

What’s the material like in The Ready For TEDx course series?

It’s important to me that these concepts are accessible. So that means a few things:

1) Each of these courses are short! You can finish each one in an afternoon. (Or a morning, if you’re a 5am Club’er.)

2) The content includes materials in various formats — recorded videos, transcripts, and workbooks. You can choose to toggle close captions on or off. Oh, and you can select the playback speed if you’re an ADHD’er or speedy listener who needs that faster pace!

No matter what style learner you are, I want these materials to work for you!

➡️ Scroll down or click here to get started: ⬅️

I’m Cathlyn, your TEDx coach and creator of The Amplify Method.

Before I started coaching business owners through the TEDx process, I spent 4 years as a competitive speaker and 10+ years as a professional live theatre actor, director, writer, and copyeditor.

In 2021, after I gave my own TEDx Talk, folks in my network started looking at my background and saying, “Hey, I want to give a TEDx Talk! With all your experience, would you coach me?”

And it makes sense—my background gives me the perfect Venn diagram of skills to help you shape your Idea Worth Spreading, write and edit your engaging and impactful talk, and powerfully present your world-changing message on the TEDx stage.

No matter who you are, I believe that if you want a TEDx Talk, you can get a TEDx Talk.

(It might also help to know that I’m neurodivergent, naturally shy, introverted, and socially anxious. So I understand how hard it can be to stand up on stage and open your heart to a live audience — never mind the overwhelm of unkowning-ness that comes before it!)

I created The Amplify Method to help business owners design and deliver their world-changing message with TEDx, step by step.

Now, I’m offering the very first steps of that method in this selection of short courses, which you can purchase separately ($180 each) or as a full series ($450).

Each individual course can be completed in 2-4 hours.

The complete 3-course series includes:

Your First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk (a done-in-a-day course) / Words overlay a photo of TEDx Coach Cathlyn Melvin giving her TEDx Talk, wearing a ponytail and a short blue dress


Your First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk

This course covers the bare-bones, first-step essentials.

These are the very first steps I take all my clients through, whether they’re working with me 1:1 or in my AMPLIFY group.

When I say “essential,” I mean it! These steps will influence nearly every choice you make along the rest of your TEDx journey.

How to Shape Your TEDx Idea so Curators say "YES!" (a done-in-a-day course) / Words overlay an image of a smiling young Black woman wearing a t-shirt and mic and pointing toward the audience with both hands


How to Shape Your Idea Worth Spreading so TEDx Organizers Say “YES!”

Define and finalize your concise, compelling, world-changing Idea Worth Spreading — the ultimate foundation of a successful TEDx Talk!


How to Find TEDx Events

TED doesn’t make the whole thing easy, now. And TEDx events sometimes like to play hide-and-seek.

That’s why you’ve got me. 😊

I’ll share my screen and walk you through the process as I research events and determine if they’re accepting applications. 

I’m even including my TEDx Events Tracker template (the same one I use with my 1:1 clients) so you can keep track of your progress with your highest-priority events.

How to Find TEDx Events (a done-in-a-day course)

Get access to First Essential Steps to Land Your TEDx Talk for $180 or all 3 courses for $450. ⬇️